
Our Sea Safari takes you on an incredible tour of the scenery and wildlife that resides along the coast of the Dingle Peninsula. 

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Dolphins are seen swimming around the peninsula all year round, while we spot whales more frequently in the summertime between June and October 

As our ribs venture to the beautiful Great Blasket Islands, you’ll see one of the biggest seal colonies in Ireland! Puffins come to the peninsula between March and July each year, and you’ll be able to see and take pictures of them in their natural habitat as well as a range of other seabirds. 

Map of Our Tour!

Dingle Sea Safari

Wildlife Log

Coming Soon

Dingle SEa Safari

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How common is it to see whales on the tour? 

    We see whales more often in the late summer months to early Autumn. 

  • When would be the best time to see puffins? 

    Puffins arrive at the Blaskets around March to July each year.

  • Do dolphins come close to the boats? 

    Yes! The dolphins love to swim alongside our ribs and jump out of the water for our tours.

Book your scenic voyage now for an unforgettable experience along Dingles captivating coastline! Secure your spot today!

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