a Legacy

Flannery Family’s Sea Adventure Passion.

Founded in 2018, Dingle Sea Safari blossomed from the deep-rooted love for the sea held by the Flannery family led by founder Jimmy Flannery, a seasoned fisherman with a lifelong connection to the waters. 

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Fungie the Dolphin

For 37 years, Jimmy navigated Dingle Harbour, sharing the enchanting sights of Fungie, the famous Dingle dolphin, with visitors from around the globe, instilling in him a profound appreciation for the ocean’s wonders.  Jimmy developed a deep understanding of this unique dolphin as he interacted with him on an almost daily basis and those decades of learning and strong appreciation of the local marine wildlife and habitats have contributed significantly to the success of Dingle Sea Safari. 

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How it all began

Dingle Sea Safari
was Born 

Driven by his passion for marine wildlife and Dingle’s surrounding beauty, Jimmy and his children embarked on a journey to create Dingle Sea Safari. Through seamless teamwork, they ensure every expedition prioritises safety, environmental stewardship, knowledge, and quality. Their unwavering dedication to providing unparalleled experiences reflects Jimmy’s dream of offering visitors to Dingle a chance to immerse themselves in the magic of the sea, fostering a deeper connection between environmental stewardship, knowledge, and quality. Dingle Sea Safari stands as a beacon of excellence, inviting adventurers to embark on a voyage of discovery and wonder. 

Marine Wildlife

Discover the captivating beauty of Dingle Bay, nestled in one of Europe’s most scenic locations. Dingle Sea Safari offers a unique opportunity to explore this mystical area, steeped in ancient history, from an unparalleled perspective. Embark on an unforgettable journey amidst a diverse array of marine wildlife, including whales, puffins, seals, dolphins, basking sharks, and bluefin tuna. Immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring landscapes and rich biodiversity of Dingle Bay as you traverse its pristine waters. With Dingle Sea Safari, you’ll experience the wonders of this enchanting region in a truly unforgettable way, creating memories to last a lifetime. Join us for an adventure like no other and unlock the secrets of Dingle Bay’s natural splendor.

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