Code Of Conduct

Dingle Sea Safari is a “RESPONSIBLE” whale and dolphin watch operator who strongly adheres to the statutory guidelines.

Ellipse 199

How We operate

Code of Conduct Development

Following many years of whale and dolphin watching from boats we believe these guidelines to be insufficient at the species level. Dingle Sea Safari Ltd has conducted an assessment of both statutory and voluntary guidelines and codes of conduct around the globe and reviewed the findings of our own research.

As a result we have developed a Code of Conduct that incorporates the Irish statutory guidelines as set out in Marine Notice 15 of 2005 but also includes that which we judge to be a minimum requirement for the interaction of boats and cetaceans at the species level in Irish waters. As we gather more information and make further conclusions from our research we will adjust our Code of Conduct accordingly. 

Code of Conduct for Recreational and Commercial Boats when Interacting with Cetaceans in Irish Waters 

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