Gaeilge ~ Cultúr & Ár dTeanga

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Gaeilge & Failte Campaign

The ‘Gaeilge agus Fáilte’, a pilot project by Fáilte Ireland which will see 20 saleable experiences across the Gaeltacht regions showcased in 2024 to highlight the unique cultural experiences that our Gaeltacht regions have to offer.

The objective of the project is to support our Gaeltacht tourism businesses in providing a bilingual experience for the tourist.

Is deis iontach í seo chun eispéireas cultútha na Gaeltachta a chur chun cinn do thurasóirí baile agus do thurasóirí idirnáisiuntá, and we are very grateful for your participation to date.

Gradaim Gnó na hÉireann

GRADAIM Gnó na hÉireann 2023 

We’re delighted to be awarded the following awards at the 2023 Gradaim Gnó na hÉireann ~ Irish language awards for businesses! We were awarded the following medals in each category: 

Signage: Bronze Medal
Marketing and Branding: Silver Medal
Service in Irish: Gold Medal

Gradaim Award Gnó na hÉireann ~ It is a recognition scheme for businesses and companies that are promoting the Irish language through their work and service to the public, through marketing, branding and signage.

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Cuir do thuras álainn in áirithe anois d’eispéireas nach ndéanfaidh tú dearmad air go deo agus tú ag taisteal timpeall ar chósta mealltach an Daingin! Deimhnigh do spás inniu!

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